Friday, April 07, 2006

feeling pretty dumb...

hey everyone... after delaying for so long i finally get myself to create a blog here as friendster's blog really is irritating- slow and just not user friendly... hehe .. another week of classes- this week was dressed up week.. assignments due.. quiz and test... as usual dats cpu... what more.. results- which i practically screw up in most of it.. *urgh*!! hate it... anyway i think im becoming dumber and more useless each day............... *so annoyed*..

monday: today everyone had to wear red and white which represents the canadian flag... put on a red top and a white skirt.. started the day with accounts test 3.. jill skipped test coz she was late.. 1 hour 15 minutes for the test wasnt really enough.. i finished it just on time thou.. *pheeewww...* many of the rest too.. so didnt have the time to check it.. i thought i could not finish it on time so as yong qian too.. we were exchanging panic smiles during the last few minutes of the test period = P.. after test.. classes were usual.. started on MacBeth today for english.. then it was moral studies.. calculus.. break.. biology..... home!! watched "america's next top model"... just hate keenyah and her attitude even though she takes good pictures..

tuesday: today's theme- beach wear.. never followed cause i didnt had any.. haha.. most ppl in coll were in board shorts and flowery shirts.. colourful.. even lecturers dressed up too.. went to the comp lab for accounts today... had to do some exercise thing which weights as much as the test and guess what the file got corrupted after i saved it and i had to do all over again!!! the best part i cant remember sum of the steps for certain transactions... *pissed off*... classes.... the rest of the day was *yawn* boring... lots of work as usual.. wasnt my day..

wednesday: today is sunglasses day.. everyone had thier sunnies on.. i decided to put on my MNG one- my fav but drew and some of his frens thinks it looks like a fly.. lolz.. *jacq's birthday*.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!!.. so far she's one of my bestie.. known her ever since the first day i entered coll.. haha.. had fun thou.. that sillypu.. got her a pair of earrings.. went for calculus after lan quiz today.. after calculus debbie came over and told me the jacq's birthday surprise and went down to cafeteria.. debbie and some of the rest bought tiramisu from secret recipe and on it was written " Happy Birthday to miss world.. love u forever".. Deb's idea.. the entire gang wassinging really loud.. everyone was pretty hyper- laughing and just having fun.. took pics and camwhore with jacq's, mark's and amir's cam.. *yay*.. pictures to post up later.. coz i haven got them yet.. lolz.. a birthday shoutout to drew's mum too, Sweet and Lovely Birthday too.. kissy kissy..xoxoxo... i call it a day...

thursday: MAFIA day.. it was just awesome.. shuld c how most guys dressed up today.. coolness... nearly everyone was in black and in suits and dark shades.. fantastic.. haha.. gurls were in boots and collar shirts and skirts.. not me!! hehe.. lolz.. joey g from channel [v] came to coll today.. not the time seeing him in person but i still thinks he's gud looking... haha... got my calculus assignment result back today.. hate wat i got.. i din do well again!!!.. so sick of it.. stupiid me.. anyway got back my accounts results today and i did alrite.. john was so sweet too to offer help for my myob exercise during my break time.. hehe.. got it done and walaaa... finished!! =)

friday: the last day of coll- rainy day.. Haloween's day.. many did got dressed up.. miss kimberly too!! hehe... was nice seeing all various outfits.. got back my accounts assignment.. YAY.. watched MacBeth act 1- scene 7.. got sum notes down and ive test on monday for act 1.. which sux cause i barely understand it till now.. the lines are just weird.. urgh.. not only that i've like calculus chapter 4 test.. and biology test chapters 6- 8!! monday will just be crazy!! super... oh man.. *bang*.. after college.. was suppose to go to mv.. went dere.. disappointed as it was freaking pack as soon as we entered the parking lots.. i had to go down to pay and we left the place.. then decided to go to KLCC but wasnt sure of the way.. we still decided to go.. in the end we missed the turning to KLCC like three times.. it was jammed as the working hours ended and is a friday- happy hour time... so in the end we just followed the signboards and headed right home.. we were tired coz we were in the car for like more than an hour.. still i had fun sitting in the car singing and crapping... leen msged me asked if i can go to mv tomoro her dad will be picking me up... then jon called to ask me to get peeps to go to his SAM FEST i duno wat for but still we are considering it.. is on the 21st.. so was passing the msg around..

dead tired now.. is already107am... gonna go off.. take lots of care.. nights and sweet dreams.. love vilynn...

currently listening to: Say something anyway by Bellefire


At 7:43 AM , Blogger Ann Jill said...

hey great 2 noe tat u also blog =) and btw dun use dat colour ah can't read la =) geez!

At 8:35 AM , Blogger Eniale said...

Finally! Vi Lynn blogs! :)


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