Tuesday, April 11, 2006

a day of holiday =P

helo... wrote a post earlier.. but say wat the whole line got prob so my post got delted the minute i finish writing.. *bang on the wall*.. just finished replying joanne's msg in friendster.. miss ya gurl!! anyway woke up super late today.. like got up from my bed at 1 in the noon.. hahaha... lazy bum.. then went down.. watched tv for a while.. at 230 drove out to fetch bro.. went mc d to get lunch home.. got home and watched america's next top model cycle 4 finale.. yay!! my fav tv show.. keenyah got kicked out and left naima and kahlen as the final 2.. love both of em.. naima won... well, both of them are fantabulous and they rox at the fashion show!! jez love it.. other than thta today was absolutely a boring day.. is a holiday but too short.. only a day is just not enough.. calculus test and eng literature- MacBeth test got postponed to tomorrow.. hate it... made me spent most of my time studying for them instead of my bio.. bio test was HARD.. as usual.. i never nail any of the test.. had to complete accounting assignment 4 today with some help.. mwaaks* thanks dears..

today's post is gonna be mainly bout my weekends..

went out to mv on saturday with leen, aud, pei shan, ian& julie.. we watched "eight below".. a gud one.. pretty sad- made me tear.. *sobs*.. i love those dogs.. brilliant!! hehe.. was funhanging out with them.. after movie.. went to jusco coz aud and pei shan needed to get house holds.. they were selling the 365 bears.. i had been searching for them for ages.. finally they're here.. immediately went over there and start searching for my birthdate.. they are these little jap bears that cums with marble chocs.. guess wat i bought 5 of them and none of them was mine!! i couldnt' find mine.. leen was such a darling helping me find high and low.. in the end both of us found like 10 of hers.. haha.. kinda funnie.. so in the end got 3 for my family and the other 2 for someone else.. *thanks babe*..
aud fetched me and leen home.. a great and splendid time.. gonna do more of this!!

sunday morning woke up really early.. had tons of food today.. my oh my.. hehe.. jez laid home.. dad bought a new sound system for the house.. iz a gud one!! love it... studied a little.. mom cooked vegetarian food..*delicious*.. love it.. ate super a lot...... freaking full.. mom prepared dinner too.. was suppose to go out for dinner for sum occasion but was too last minute of a notice.. sorry hunz... relatives came over as usual but uncle teh couldnt make it as he had an appointment.. so 11 of us were in the house.. after dinner.. dads watch futball live.. moms gossiping in dining area.. girls in my room watching "honey".. bro toking to aunt.. this time chea ji- lian made strawberry jelly slice for desert.. *good one*.. is sweet and sour.. a layer of biscuit covered with another layer on melted marshmallow and on top of it is a layer of strawerry jelly with strawberries.. freaking gud.. haha.. got mom to get the recipe... yay!!

going off to bed already.. classes tomorrow.. nitey nite folks.. sweet dreams..learnt a new word today.. besos (kiss in spanish)

currently listening to: beep by the pussycat dolls


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