Thursday, April 13, 2006

scholarship.. yay!!

woke up as usual for classes today.. had to dress formal for the schoalrship award and jacq planned to wear 'baju kurong' coz i do not have anything else to put on.. before classes leen was msging me saying she forgotten to bring the receipt book for prom tix.. sillypu.. started my day with accounts then english.. leen brought this sour jelly candy which was really gud.. yum.. ate it while watching macBeth.. i skipped moral studies class to attend biology *felt preetty awkward thou in the class*- learnt bout vision today.. then it was calculus time.. i cant do this chapter.. urgh!! Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Loy Hean Heong Merit Scholarships & Taylor's College Merit Scholarships ceremony was today- starts at 1.30pm.. it was divided into two sessions.. one in the morn and the other in the afternoon.. me and jacq were in the noon session.. francine too..

calculus class ended at 1.. so we have practically half an hour to grab a bite on sumthing before the ceremony.. took the car keys and put my stuff in the car.. went to mcD got a banana pie *just love it*.. and ran back to the cafeteria to meet up with jacq.. as soon as i reached a lady asked me to follow jacq, shirley, mark and amir to the car porch area.. The Star crew was here to interview them on the KL Race thing they joined.. so they had to post and take pics.. pretty funny.. hehe.. i just stood at the corner and the lady were interviewing me about student fashion.. lolz.. she made me pose to take a pic.. *boo hoo.. the pic is so gonna be ugly.. im faT!!*..

after short break we went to the multi-purpose hall.. superb boring.. me and jacq was kinda surprise it was so packed with students.. the noon session had 446 scholarship award winners... and say wat i felt kinda stupid.. haha.. our names appeared in today's Star paper too.. *proud*.. lolz.. me and jacq only got $ 6000 off our fees.. not full!! i wished.. sneaked out from the ceremony before it ended with miss valberg's help.. thanks miss!! you're the best.. at first she didn't want to let us out but later many were escaping and she winked at me telling me that i can go back first.. how cool huh.. so got myself out and got home!! i slept around 6.. guess wat i only woke up at 9.. aikksss......

shalyn and gasper msg to congratulate me too.. hehe.. surprised that they actually noe even though it aink a big deal.. anyway thanks sweethearts!! got to hurry to complete my work.. tons of them!! sweet nites...

p/s: leen jez ignore the stare and i noe how irritating it can be.. dun be bothered k.. mwaaks*

currently listening to: Everytime I close my eyes by Babyface feat. Mariah Carey & Kenny G


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