Friday, April 14, 2006

+ good friday +

hey hey.. before i start blogging i just wanna wish all a " happy good friday " and " happy wasaki " to all hindus.. suppose to be a holiday but we did not get one.. how sad.. couldnt wake up this morning because i went off to bed like 2am.. notty notty.. haha.. as soon as i stepped out of the house.. the view of the full moon from my house was just beautiful.. it was awesome.. love it!! makes my day ('',)

everyone was pretty in a good mood today even me.. mebbe coz it is a friday too.. got back my macbEth act 1 results today.. pretty satisfied thou i only scored an average mark.. miss joanne forgotten to bring our answer scripts today so we will only be getting it on monday next week.. it doesn't really matters.. people do forget at times.. it was raining heavily during break time so me and the rest had to spend our time in the cafeteria.. jonathan came over to ask me to go for the 'SamFest'.. still deciding.. hehe.. cafeteria had like only a limited choice of food.. urgh.. so just decided on economical rice.. after break went up for bio class.. when maurice came out from class he just bid me bye and went off.. all of a sudden he came back and pull my sleeves.. he went like, " Vi-Lynn, you only scored 25/54.. i got 40.." it seriously freaked me out.. so i was feeling really depressed.. told noelle and deivind.. they were also shocked.. mr dave came in and ask us to do some evaluation on him and the class.. it was time to pass out the test results!! i nearly cried.. no joke.. wen i got my paper.. *smiles on my face* i scored better than what he said!! yay.. hehehe.. stupid maurice.. so gonna kick ur aSS!! after we took the test up.. watch a video on nervous system.. *boring*.. the entire class nearly doze off.. before going home.. had to meet with miss valberg to get my project papers back.. with mr. tony' help i found her.. thank u.. *owh.. he's just so nice*.. he is not any of my lecturer..still he's sweet..

it was still raining.. heavy drizzle.. the car was pretty far away from college.. so i had to walk under the rain.. hate it!! as soon as we entered the car, casey called to inform that there's a bad jam in npe highway.. there was a flood.. so we decided to use another way, but sadly we couldnt find our way through and by the time we turned back and reached npe.. the place was still jammed but the flood was gone.. hehe....

reached home pretty late today.. mum cooked sumthing new today but it is super nice.. she made this fried chicken stuffed with pasta, cheese and ham.. super fat but super delicious... mom's cooking is always the best.. love it all the time!! <3.. she made me and bro that with lemon tea too.. complementary meal.. continue watching tv after my meal and carried on with my accounts project.. suicide bomb!! confusing and annoying.. urgh.. the sums are making me go crazy.. i havent complete it yet..

chatting, replying mails, checking my friendster account and visiting blogs now to get my mind off my work for a while.. hehe.. have a happy and joyous weekend ya'll.. sweet dreat dreams.. hejda (bye in swedish.. picked up from bro in sweden)- miss u bro and li yen!!

p/s: leen and ian cheer up.. don't think bout the results already and have a great weekend ya.. big squishy hugs.. =).. gasper u too get well soon aites..

currently listening to: Pump It by Black Eyed Peas


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