Sunday, April 16, 2006

big 21 for my gurl..

today is sunday.. some special occasion.. iz li yen's big 21.. hehe.. but sadly she's not here.. so she'll be celebrating in manchester instead... promise wen u get back in june we will celebrate it aites!! gotcha sumthing already but not gonna tell u yet wat is it.. * haPPy birthday princess!! *.. love us (u noe who)!! miss u tons...

birthday msg jus for u, the star of the day...

+ may all ur dreams and wishes come true +
+ may u have a great year ahead of u +
+ best of luck in ur studies +
+ stay healthy always +
+ have a blast and enjoy yourself this very special day +
+ best wishes and a very HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY +

hugs and kisses all over.. =* miss and love u muchiez...........

*wanted to upload pictures but my dumb comp has prob...maybe next time*

went to mv with mommy today.. purposely to get miss megan her cat ear rings.. got her three of them- a black, pink and green.. i got three for myself too.. haha.. walked around a while after that.. pulled mom to axxezz to show her the pairs of earrings i've been longing for as the stock was back again.. *hip hip hooray*.. mom agreed to get me them.. pretty costly pair.. aink mom sweet.. love her most!! walked around more.. got myself a really nice tee... then went to MPH.. got some test pads as mine are running out so fast.. and another book too.. mom got some recipe books.. haha.. headed to yoshinoya for lunch before going to jusco for groceries.. got a couple of items and headed home..

dad went to port klang to buy fishes like he always do.. later in the evening chea chea ji- nette, ji kor and uncle teh came over (chea chea ji-lian had dinner with friends) to get hair cut.. brought them to the place and three of us all got our hair cut while ji kor coloured her hair... we have to wait.. while waiting it was time to catch up with our stories.. had fun!! was there till 7 plus.. went back home.. mom cooked dinner.. ate, yack and around 9 they went home..

pretty tiring day.. gonna go off to bed as soon as i finish my english homework.. hope your weekends went on great!! bunches of love... xoxoxo =)


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