Thursday, April 27, 2006

test syndrome.... =P

lovely morning folks... pheeeewww.... it has been pwettie long since i last blog... why? bcoz i;ve been having test and quiz for the entire week.. tell me bout it.. there are more after my four day break... *gosh icpu = life- less*.. now for that i've a 5000 word document to write about the human heart, power point presentation to prepare, notes for the class on presentation, accounting independant study unit- 5 points for 15 different ratios, biology lab....... and the list goes on!! all in four days.. crazy... i am losing my words too.. aikkss.. that's bad...

was suppose to blog last nite but instead i fell asleep on the couch till 2ish in the morn and got back to the room and continue sleeping.. pig me.. lolz.. nuthink much has been happening for the past week except for stress, piles of work and....... me falling off the stairs till i bruise my hand, back, hips and my aRsss.... dad frightened me in the morning the other day and the clever me slipped off the stairs.. 7 steps!!!!!! hurts like mad... *boo hoo*.... till now it still hurts thou...

finally went for a movie- "She's the man" yesterday instead of the play in bsc with jacquie and the gang... not a bad movie.. lolz.. hilarious one... ate ice-cream from baskin robbins.. *yummy*... came back around 7ish.... was too tired and lazy to get any work done yet.. so came home replied joanne's mail.. she's in argentina.. miss her much!!!

oh ya.. mom decided to get me a coach bag- " COACH HAMPTONS WEEKEND SCRIBBLE HOBO " !! yay... *woo hoo*.. jumping joy... im in cloud9... they dun have it in malaysia.. so i just mailed kevin in the states to help me get one when he comes back for hols this may.. im getting a new bag.. it's hot.. haha...

okiezx.. gotta go off to do my work now!! have a nice day peeps... may the sunny sun fill ur day with lotsa joy n laughter.. mwaaks*... tata

Sunday, April 16, 2006

big 21 for my gurl..

today is sunday.. some special occasion.. iz li yen's big 21.. hehe.. but sadly she's not here.. so she'll be celebrating in manchester instead... promise wen u get back in june we will celebrate it aites!! gotcha sumthing already but not gonna tell u yet wat is it.. * haPPy birthday princess!! *.. love us (u noe who)!! miss u tons...

birthday msg jus for u, the star of the day...

+ may all ur dreams and wishes come true +
+ may u have a great year ahead of u +
+ best of luck in ur studies +
+ stay healthy always +
+ have a blast and enjoy yourself this very special day +
+ best wishes and a very HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY +

hugs and kisses all over.. =* miss and love u muchiez...........

*wanted to upload pictures but my dumb comp has prob...maybe next time*

went to mv with mommy today.. purposely to get miss megan her cat ear rings.. got her three of them- a black, pink and green.. i got three for myself too.. haha.. walked around a while after that.. pulled mom to axxezz to show her the pairs of earrings i've been longing for as the stock was back again.. *hip hip hooray*.. mom agreed to get me them.. pretty costly pair.. aink mom sweet.. love her most!! walked around more.. got myself a really nice tee... then went to MPH.. got some test pads as mine are running out so fast.. and another book too.. mom got some recipe books.. haha.. headed to yoshinoya for lunch before going to jusco for groceries.. got a couple of items and headed home..

dad went to port klang to buy fishes like he always do.. later in the evening chea chea ji- nette, ji kor and uncle teh came over (chea chea ji-lian had dinner with friends) to get hair cut.. brought them to the place and three of us all got our hair cut while ji kor coloured her hair... we have to wait.. while waiting it was time to catch up with our stories.. had fun!! was there till 7 plus.. went back home.. mom cooked dinner.. ate, yack and around 9 they went home..

pretty tiring day.. gonna go off to bed as soon as i finish my english homework.. hope your weekends went on great!! bunches of love... xoxoxo =)

Friday, April 14, 2006

+ good friday +

hey hey.. before i start blogging i just wanna wish all a " happy good friday " and " happy wasaki " to all hindus.. suppose to be a holiday but we did not get one.. how sad.. couldnt wake up this morning because i went off to bed like 2am.. notty notty.. haha.. as soon as i stepped out of the house.. the view of the full moon from my house was just beautiful.. it was awesome.. love it!! makes my day ('',)

everyone was pretty in a good mood today even me.. mebbe coz it is a friday too.. got back my macbEth act 1 results today.. pretty satisfied thou i only scored an average mark.. miss joanne forgotten to bring our answer scripts today so we will only be getting it on monday next week.. it doesn't really matters.. people do forget at times.. it was raining heavily during break time so me and the rest had to spend our time in the cafeteria.. jonathan came over to ask me to go for the 'SamFest'.. still deciding.. hehe.. cafeteria had like only a limited choice of food.. urgh.. so just decided on economical rice.. after break went up for bio class.. when maurice came out from class he just bid me bye and went off.. all of a sudden he came back and pull my sleeves.. he went like, " Vi-Lynn, you only scored 25/54.. i got 40.." it seriously freaked me out.. so i was feeling really depressed.. told noelle and deivind.. they were also shocked.. mr dave came in and ask us to do some evaluation on him and the class.. it was time to pass out the test results!! i nearly cried.. no joke.. wen i got my paper.. *smiles on my face* i scored better than what he said!! yay.. hehehe.. stupid maurice.. so gonna kick ur aSS!! after we took the test up.. watch a video on nervous system.. *boring*.. the entire class nearly doze off.. before going home.. had to meet with miss valberg to get my project papers back.. with mr. tony' help i found her.. thank u.. *owh.. he's just so nice*.. he is not any of my lecturer..still he's sweet..

it was still raining.. heavy drizzle.. the car was pretty far away from college.. so i had to walk under the rain.. hate it!! as soon as we entered the car, casey called to inform that there's a bad jam in npe highway.. there was a flood.. so we decided to use another way, but sadly we couldnt find our way through and by the time we turned back and reached npe.. the place was still jammed but the flood was gone.. hehe....

reached home pretty late today.. mum cooked sumthing new today but it is super nice.. she made this fried chicken stuffed with pasta, cheese and ham.. super fat but super delicious... mom's cooking is always the best.. love it all the time!! <3.. she made me and bro that with lemon tea too.. complementary meal.. continue watching tv after my meal and carried on with my accounts project.. suicide bomb!! confusing and annoying.. urgh.. the sums are making me go crazy.. i havent complete it yet..

chatting, replying mails, checking my friendster account and visiting blogs now to get my mind off my work for a while.. hehe.. have a happy and joyous weekend ya'll.. sweet dreat dreams.. hejda (bye in swedish.. picked up from bro in sweden)- miss u bro and li yen!!

p/s: leen and ian cheer up.. don't think bout the results already and have a great weekend ya.. big squishy hugs.. =).. gasper u too get well soon aites..

currently listening to: Pump It by Black Eyed Peas

Thursday, April 13, 2006

scholarship.. yay!!

woke up as usual for classes today.. had to dress formal for the schoalrship award and jacq planned to wear 'baju kurong' coz i do not have anything else to put on.. before classes leen was msging me saying she forgotten to bring the receipt book for prom tix.. sillypu.. started my day with accounts then english.. leen brought this sour jelly candy which was really gud.. yum.. ate it while watching macBeth.. i skipped moral studies class to attend biology *felt preetty awkward thou in the class*- learnt bout vision today.. then it was calculus time.. i cant do this chapter.. urgh!! Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Loy Hean Heong Merit Scholarships & Taylor's College Merit Scholarships ceremony was today- starts at 1.30pm.. it was divided into two sessions.. one in the morn and the other in the afternoon.. me and jacq were in the noon session.. francine too..

calculus class ended at 1.. so we have practically half an hour to grab a bite on sumthing before the ceremony.. took the car keys and put my stuff in the car.. went to mcD got a banana pie *just love it*.. and ran back to the cafeteria to meet up with jacq.. as soon as i reached a lady asked me to follow jacq, shirley, mark and amir to the car porch area.. The Star crew was here to interview them on the KL Race thing they joined.. so they had to post and take pics.. pretty funny.. hehe.. i just stood at the corner and the lady were interviewing me about student fashion.. lolz.. she made me pose to take a pic.. *boo hoo.. the pic is so gonna be ugly.. im faT!!*..

after short break we went to the multi-purpose hall.. superb boring.. me and jacq was kinda surprise it was so packed with students.. the noon session had 446 scholarship award winners... and say wat i felt kinda stupid.. haha.. our names appeared in today's Star paper too.. *proud*.. lolz.. me and jacq only got $ 6000 off our fees.. not full!! i wished.. sneaked out from the ceremony before it ended with miss valberg's help.. thanks miss!! you're the best.. at first she didn't want to let us out but later many were escaping and she winked at me telling me that i can go back first.. how cool huh.. so got myself out and got home!! i slept around 6.. guess wat i only woke up at 9.. aikksss......

shalyn and gasper msg to congratulate me too.. hehe.. surprised that they actually noe even though it aink a big deal.. anyway thanks sweethearts!! got to hurry to complete my work.. tons of them!! sweet nites...

p/s: leen jez ignore the stare and i noe how irritating it can be.. dun be bothered k.. mwaaks*

currently listening to: Everytime I close my eyes by Babyface feat. Mariah Carey & Kenny G

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

dress to impress ('',)

hey ya'll.. bought breakfast for leen and aud from cafeteria this morn before class.. aud says the french toast sux.. aikks.. but that was the only food available this morning.. anyway classes were usual for today.. had my act 1 test for macBeth.. me, leen and ian rated it "very hard".. surprisingly mr. lim was like in extra good mood today.. the class was super noisy compared to other days.. he did not even say a word or nag bout it and let us off earlier!! calculus chapter 4 test was next.. was alrite i think.. had break with leen and j- families class was canceled.. dropped off the office first to check on the ceremony's time tomorrow with jacq.. i've to stay back till 5!! hate it.. after lunch went to asia pool.. played 2 games with leen and j.. went over to the fusbal area to say hi to the rest... *think my pool skills improved a little*.. haha =P.. j bought us the games.. thank u!! was fun thou.. the ball even jumped off the table and rolled to the next table.. *embarassed*.. i was suppose to attend prom meeting after classes today but couldn't make it for some reasons.. leen was updating me bout it later on.. haha..

anyway.. the teachers decided to have one prom in the middle of the year only.. so this will be the only prom for icPu this year.. peeps icPu prom is finally in town.. cum get ur tickets now!!


* Glitz and Glamour *
Date: June 12, 2006 (Monday)
Venue: Sheraton Subang
Tickets price: rm 85 per person
-dress to impress-

it'll be fun i bet.. contact me or anyone from the prom comittee to purchase the tickets k.. nights.. hugGiez..

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

a day of holiday =P

helo... wrote a post earlier.. but say wat the whole line got prob so my post got delted the minute i finish writing.. *bang on the wall*.. just finished replying joanne's msg in friendster.. miss ya gurl!! anyway woke up super late today.. like got up from my bed at 1 in the noon.. hahaha... lazy bum.. then went down.. watched tv for a while.. at 230 drove out to fetch bro.. went mc d to get lunch home.. got home and watched america's next top model cycle 4 finale.. yay!! my fav tv show.. keenyah got kicked out and left naima and kahlen as the final 2.. love both of em.. naima won... well, both of them are fantabulous and they rox at the fashion show!! jez love it.. other than thta today was absolutely a boring day.. is a holiday but too short.. only a day is just not enough.. calculus test and eng literature- MacBeth test got postponed to tomorrow.. hate it... made me spent most of my time studying for them instead of my bio.. bio test was HARD.. as usual.. i never nail any of the test.. had to complete accounting assignment 4 today with some help.. mwaaks* thanks dears..

today's post is gonna be mainly bout my weekends..

went out to mv on saturday with leen, aud, pei shan, ian& julie.. we watched "eight below".. a gud one.. pretty sad- made me tear.. *sobs*.. i love those dogs.. brilliant!! hehe.. was funhanging out with them.. after movie.. went to jusco coz aud and pei shan needed to get house holds.. they were selling the 365 bears.. i had been searching for them for ages.. finally they're here.. immediately went over there and start searching for my birthdate.. they are these little jap bears that cums with marble chocs.. guess wat i bought 5 of them and none of them was mine!! i couldnt' find mine.. leen was such a darling helping me find high and low.. in the end both of us found like 10 of hers.. haha.. kinda funnie.. so in the end got 3 for my family and the other 2 for someone else.. *thanks babe*..
aud fetched me and leen home.. a great and splendid time.. gonna do more of this!!

sunday morning woke up really early.. had tons of food today.. my oh my.. hehe.. jez laid home.. dad bought a new sound system for the house.. iz a gud one!! love it... studied a little.. mom cooked vegetarian food..*delicious*.. love it.. ate super a lot...... freaking full.. mom prepared dinner too.. was suppose to go out for dinner for sum occasion but was too last minute of a notice.. sorry hunz... relatives came over as usual but uncle teh couldnt make it as he had an appointment.. so 11 of us were in the house.. after dinner.. dads watch futball live.. moms gossiping in dining area.. girls in my room watching "honey".. bro toking to aunt.. this time chea ji- lian made strawberry jelly slice for desert.. *good one*.. is sweet and sour.. a layer of biscuit covered with another layer on melted marshmallow and on top of it is a layer of strawerry jelly with strawberries.. freaking gud.. haha.. got mom to get the recipe... yay!!

going off to bed already.. classes tomorrow.. nitey nite folks.. sweet dreams..learnt a new word today.. besos (kiss in spanish)

currently listening to: beep by the pussycat dolls

Friday, April 07, 2006

feeling pretty dumb...

hey everyone... after delaying for so long i finally get myself to create a blog here as friendster's blog really is irritating- slow and just not user friendly... hehe .. another week of classes- this week was dressed up week.. assignments due.. quiz and test... as usual dats cpu... what more.. results- which i practically screw up in most of it.. *urgh*!! hate it... anyway i think im becoming dumber and more useless each day............... *so annoyed*..

monday: today everyone had to wear red and white which represents the canadian flag... put on a red top and a white skirt.. started the day with accounts test 3.. jill skipped test coz she was late.. 1 hour 15 minutes for the test wasnt really enough.. i finished it just on time thou.. *pheeewww...* many of the rest too.. so didnt have the time to check it.. i thought i could not finish it on time so as yong qian too.. we were exchanging panic smiles during the last few minutes of the test period = P.. after test.. classes were usual.. started on MacBeth today for english.. then it was moral studies.. calculus.. break.. biology..... home!! watched "america's next top model"... just hate keenyah and her attitude even though she takes good pictures..

tuesday: today's theme- beach wear.. never followed cause i didnt had any.. haha.. most ppl in coll were in board shorts and flowery shirts.. colourful.. even lecturers dressed up too.. went to the comp lab for accounts today... had to do some exercise thing which weights as much as the test and guess what the file got corrupted after i saved it and i had to do all over again!!! the best part i cant remember sum of the steps for certain transactions... *pissed off*... classes.... the rest of the day was *yawn* boring... lots of work as usual.. wasnt my day..

wednesday: today is sunglasses day.. everyone had thier sunnies on.. i decided to put on my MNG one- my fav but drew and some of his frens thinks it looks like a fly.. lolz.. *jacq's birthday*.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!!.. so far she's one of my bestie.. known her ever since the first day i entered coll.. haha.. had fun thou.. that sillypu.. got her a pair of earrings.. went for calculus after lan quiz today.. after calculus debbie came over and told me the jacq's birthday surprise and went down to cafeteria.. debbie and some of the rest bought tiramisu from secret recipe and on it was written " Happy Birthday to miss world.. love u forever".. Deb's idea.. the entire gang wassinging really loud.. everyone was pretty hyper- laughing and just having fun.. took pics and camwhore with jacq's, mark's and amir's cam.. *yay*.. pictures to post up later.. coz i haven got them yet.. lolz.. a birthday shoutout to drew's mum too, Sweet and Lovely Birthday too.. kissy kissy..xoxoxo... i call it a day...

thursday: MAFIA day.. it was just awesome.. shuld c how most guys dressed up today.. coolness... nearly everyone was in black and in suits and dark shades.. fantastic.. haha.. gurls were in boots and collar shirts and skirts.. not me!! hehe.. lolz.. joey g from channel [v] came to coll today.. not the time seeing him in person but i still thinks he's gud looking... haha... got my calculus assignment result back today.. hate wat i got.. i din do well again!!!.. so sick of it.. stupiid me.. anyway got back my accounts results today and i did alrite.. john was so sweet too to offer help for my myob exercise during my break time.. hehe.. got it done and walaaa... finished!! =)

friday: the last day of coll- rainy day.. Haloween's day.. many did got dressed up.. miss kimberly too!! hehe... was nice seeing all various outfits.. got back my accounts assignment.. YAY.. watched MacBeth act 1- scene 7.. got sum notes down and ive test on monday for act 1.. which sux cause i barely understand it till now.. the lines are just weird.. urgh.. not only that i've like calculus chapter 4 test.. and biology test chapters 6- 8!! monday will just be crazy!! super... oh man.. *bang*.. after college.. was suppose to go to mv.. went dere.. disappointed as it was freaking pack as soon as we entered the parking lots.. i had to go down to pay and we left the place.. then decided to go to KLCC but wasnt sure of the way.. we still decided to go.. in the end we missed the turning to KLCC like three times.. it was jammed as the working hours ended and is a friday- happy hour time... so in the end we just followed the signboards and headed right home.. we were tired coz we were in the car for like more than an hour.. still i had fun sitting in the car singing and crapping... leen msged me asked if i can go to mv tomoro her dad will be picking me up... then jon called to ask me to get peeps to go to his SAM FEST i duno wat for but still we are considering it.. is on the 21st.. so was passing the msg around..

dead tired now.. is already107am... gonna go off.. take lots of care.. nights and sweet dreams.. love vilynn...

currently listening to: Say something anyway by Bellefire