Thursday, April 27, 2006

test syndrome.... =P

lovely morning folks... pheeeewww.... it has been pwettie long since i last blog... why? bcoz i;ve been having test and quiz for the entire week.. tell me bout it.. there are more after my four day break... *gosh icpu = life- less*.. now for that i've a 5000 word document to write about the human heart, power point presentation to prepare, notes for the class on presentation, accounting independant study unit- 5 points for 15 different ratios, biology lab....... and the list goes on!! all in four days.. crazy... i am losing my words too.. aikkss.. that's bad...

was suppose to blog last nite but instead i fell asleep on the couch till 2ish in the morn and got back to the room and continue sleeping.. pig me.. lolz.. nuthink much has been happening for the past week except for stress, piles of work and....... me falling off the stairs till i bruise my hand, back, hips and my aRsss.... dad frightened me in the morning the other day and the clever me slipped off the stairs.. 7 steps!!!!!! hurts like mad... *boo hoo*.... till now it still hurts thou...

finally went for a movie- "She's the man" yesterday instead of the play in bsc with jacquie and the gang... not a bad movie.. lolz.. hilarious one... ate ice-cream from baskin robbins.. *yummy*... came back around 7ish.... was too tired and lazy to get any work done yet.. so came home replied joanne's mail.. she's in argentina.. miss her much!!!

oh ya.. mom decided to get me a coach bag- " COACH HAMPTONS WEEKEND SCRIBBLE HOBO " !! yay... *woo hoo*.. jumping joy... im in cloud9... they dun have it in malaysia.. so i just mailed kevin in the states to help me get one when he comes back for hols this may.. im getting a new bag.. it's hot.. haha...

okiezx.. gotta go off to do my work now!! have a nice day peeps... may the sunny sun fill ur day with lotsa joy n laughter.. mwaaks*... tata


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